
We will be applying for permission to build 103 homes on the site, with a mix of two, three and four bedrooms. Each property will have off-road parking. These would provide a well-balanced mix of accommodation, aimed at everything from first-time buyers to large families.

Access to the site would be from Armitage Road, with a network of smaller roads leading off this main access. No vehicle access will be provided to Brereton Road other than for emergency vehicles. The development would include areas of public open space, and carefully considered landscaping.


The development would provide a number of key benefits:

  • Much-needed homes in the local area
  • Increased local housing choice
  • Effective use of brownfield land
  • New, high-quality public open space for local residents to enjoy, including an extension to the adjacent Ravenhill Park
  • At least two parking spaces per property
  • Provision of affordable housing, amounting to 10% of all units
Economic benefits
There would also be several specifically economic benefits resulting from our proposal to develop the site:
  • Our proposal would provide almost £900,000 to Cannock Chase District Council through the Government's New Homes Bonus
  • Last year, our developments created or supported 3.5 jobs for every house we built
  • The development would create 74 indirect or induced jobs per year
  • The development would provide almost £150,000 per year in council tax
  • Additional spending power of more than £1,900,000 million for the local economy
  • An agreed contribution (S106) of approximately £327,000 towards education and off-site open space 


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