PROJECT Armitage Road, Rugeley

  • The proposed layout of the new homes

  • An aerial view of the site


Barratt West Midlands is preparing a planning application for 103 high-quality homes on a brownfield site on Armitage Road, Rugeley. The site has been disused since 2008, when the Ultra Electronics factory closed permanently. As you may be aware, outline planning permission for upto 120 homes has already been granted (planning reference CH/14/0293).

We are now submitting a further application to Cannock Chase District Council, to agree the so-called ‘reserved matters’. The principle of building homes on the site, as well as transport and access to the proposed development, were approved at the outline stage. This reserved matters application will deal with the layout and scale of the site, as well as landscaping and the appearance of the houses to be built.

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